
Color Wheel Colors and Hues for Art

Many colors can be created by mixing different primary colors or primary colors together on a palette for acrylic oil painting; or a mixing tray, for water colors.

With the three primary colors (1)Yellow, (2)Red, and (3)Blue; you can mix two primary colors together two get the their secondary colors (1)(2)Orange[a], (2)(3)Purple[b], and (3)(1)Green[c]. Using more of one primary color than the other creates six tertiary color (1)[a]Yellow-Orange, [a](2)Orange-Yellow, (2)[b]Red-Violet, [b](3)Blue-Violet, (3)[c]blue-green, [c](1)Yellow-Green.

The more of one color mixed together another creates different color shades. The color wheel has 12 colors altogether.

The hues are not true colors (A)White, (B)Black, and (A)(B)Grey. White, Black, and Grey are neutral, achromatic colors.

Mixing hues with colors makes colors lighter or darker called color value.
